Hotel guests value free Wi-Fi over other amenities

Kulumikizana kumaposa zinthu zina zonse zamahotelo malinga ndi kafukufuku waposachedwa ndi GO Airport Express, yomwe imathandizira O'Hare International Airport ndi Midway Airport.

Pafupifupi anthu 200 adachita nawo kafukufukuyu yemwe adafunsa apaulendo, kuti, kupatula chakudya cham'mawa, ndi hotelo yomwe amakonda kwambiri; 68 peresenti ya omwe adafunsidwa adayang'ana Wi-Fi.

The second top answer, at 14 percent, was free transportation between the hotel and the airports. Following that were happy hour and in-room coffee and tea, tied at five percent.

Kugwiritsa ntchito kalabu yazaumoyo ndi dziwe, ma cookie aulere ndi zokhwasula-khwasula zina zimakondedwa ndi atatu peresenti. Zina zomwe zidalembedwa mu kafukufukuyu zidaphatikizapo nyuzipepala; malo oyendetsa ndege ndi katundu wolowera; kugwiritsa ntchito mwaulere maambulera ndi njinga zapamalo ndi zosambira; osakwana 1 peresenti ya omwe adafunsidwa adasankha chilichonse mwa njirazi ngati zomwe amakonda.

“Today’s travelers have made it clear they want and need to be connected at all times, and they don’t want to be charged for it,” says John McCarthy, president, GO Airport Express. “In order to build and maintain loyalty, properties should be responsive to this widely preferred amenity.”

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